Daily Commuter Crossword


Latest Puzzles of Daily Commuter Crossword. Select the date you want help with and you will go to the solutions puzzle usually divided in two columns on the left side you have clues and on the right you have the answers for that particular clue.

Daily commuter Crossword puzzle is authored by Jacqueline E. Mathews, a puzzle book author that has published many puzzle books some of which you can find on amazon or other e book sites. The Daily Commuter Crossword can be played in many sites that syndicate the game such as FunTribune, ArkansasOnline, The Puzzle Society, Mind Games, Metro etc


If you have missed a puzzle from previous weeks you can access them below.

1 thought on “Daily Commuter Crossword”

  1. The Daily Commuter Crossword Puzzle has been mutated into a puzzle the is at least twice as hard as a few weeks ago. Why. There are enough hard crosswords in the paper and now the last on is ruined for us “not so savvy puzzlers.


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